Iran LNG

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 Petro Sahel Overview

Please Click here to see Petro Sahel Overview (PDF)


 Petro Sahel Marine, Civil and Industrial Projects

Please Click here to see Petro Sahel Marine, Civil and Industrial Projects CV (PDF)


 Persian Gulf Bridge

Persian Gulf Bridge shall connect Qeshm Island to the mainland. Once completed it accommodate the two lane Railway and four lane highway to cross over between Qeshm Island to the mainland. Total width of the bridge is approximately 44.1 m. The overall length of the bridge will be around 2600m (including the two end ramps). Concrete, steel and composite solutions are acceptable for the bridge structure. Clearance height of the bridges from sea levels (MHHWL) should be at least 10 meters.

 a) The connection will provide two railway tracks with a mutual distance of minimum 5.0 m between the centers on the tracks.

 b) On each side of Railway Tracks, Two lane highway shall be provided. Each lane shall be 3.65 m wide and 3.0 mwide emergency lane as well as two hard shoulder/strips of 1.0 m wide shall also be placed.

 c) Providing utilities and supply ways for oil, gas, water, electricity and telecommunication facilities, i.e., cable trays, pipe supports, etc.

 d) Paving of roadways and walkway areas together with drainage, curbs, barriers, road markings, signage, and security fencing and guard rails.

 e) Services and utilities including electrical power supply, electrical substations, fire-fighting hydrant system, fire fighting pump station, helipad for emergency landing, lighting, lightning, telecommunications, IT ducting, CCTV, monitoring system, etc.

 f) In/out-gate complex

 g) Administration, control room and warehouse building of about 300m2 floor area

 h) Custom’s inspection area and shed (about 350 m2)


 i) Car parking area (about 2000 m2)

j) Oily/industrial sewage treatment package.

 k) Cathodic protection system of bridge(s)


Port Of Kaveh Expansion

The existing Kaveh Port will be expanded to allow increase in container Transportation. Highway and Rail network will facilitate Container Transit to/from the main land and neighboring countries of Iran.



 (a) Dredging of approximately 1.9 million cubic meters of material from the seabed to deepen an existing approach channel some 20.5 kM long and 500m wide to a maximum depth of 16.0m CD and the harbour basins for the new port expansion;



(b) Use of the dredged material for reclamation to create approximately 44 hectares of new land for the port development; and



(c) Additional 3.2 million cubic meters of suitable soil material will be supplied from local quarries to fill the reclamation area.



(d) Operational quay wall providing two berths for TEU 4500 container ships with a total length of 765m with a height of approx. 24m including fender system, bollards, cable turnover pits, cable slot, water hydrant pits and quay accessories;



(e) Quayside container crane rail including rear beam and foundations;



(f) Block type paving of approximately 44 hectares of terminal storage areas, internal roadways and parking areas together with drainage, curbs, barriers, road markings, signage, and security fencing;



(g) Services and utilities including electrical power supply, substations, potable water distribution network, fire-fighting hydrant system, lighting, telecommunications, IT ducting and CCTV etc.;



(h) In/Out-gate complexes;



(i) Administration and operations building of about 600m2 floor area;



(j) Workshop (about 1,000m2 floor area) and fuelling station;



(k) Equipment operator's administration building of about 600m2 floor area;



(l) Customs inspection area and shed (about 250 m2);



(m) Car parking area (about 500 m2)



(n) Transit shed of about 6,000m2 floor area.



Port Infrastructure:

(o) Approximately 500m of port access road including road lighting, drainage, curbs, barriers, road markings, signage, and security fencing;



(p) Water mains and connection to the existing potable water supply;



(q) 20kV power line and connection to a main substation; and



(r) Miscellaneous equipment including aids to navigation etc.











Highway Connecting Port Kaveh to Bandar Abbas

Execution and construction of approximately 92 Km 4 lane highway (2 lane each side) including fill and cut, Culvert and Bridges, up ground-ground and over ground interchanges, ramp and loop for connecting to existing road, rural, industrial and business area, asphalt pavement , lighting, signing, marking, ruling, guardrail, infrastructures, safety equipments and of any other activities necessary for safe and standard highway. Tolling system at every entry / exit on the mainland and one Tolling station before the Persian Gulf Bridge  on the mainland.



The main parameters according to concept studies are as follows (per direction):



1. Width of roadway = 7.30 meters (2*3.65, consist of 2 lanes)



2. Emergency stop-band (shoulder asphalt) with a width of 3 meters



3. Right sub base shoulder (1 meter), left asphalt shoulder (1 meter)



4. Total width of highway 12.3 meters.



Provision for future widening from 2 to 3 lane should be provided





Construction of double track Railway line approximately 86 km. The track route follows the proposed highway in much of its route only at few locations slightly away from the highway.  Ballasted double track with sub grade with width 12 m. The Railway system connects Port Kaveh via Persian Gulf Bridge to an existing station in the mainland close to Shahid Rajaee port. Cargo trains as well as passenger Trains will use the Railway system. Four stations one in Qeshm Island and Three on the mainland will be constructed as well.



 Model of Bridge 





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