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Port Of Kaveh Expansion

The existing Kaveh Port will be expanded to allow increase in container Transportation. Highway and Rail network will facilitate Container Transit to/from the main land and neighboring countries of Iran.

 (a) Dredging of approximately 1.9 million cubic meters of material from the seabed to deepen an existing approach channel some 20.5 kM long and 500m wide to a maximum depth of 16.0m CD and the harbour basins for the new port expansion;

(b) Use of the dredged material for reclamation to create approximately 44 hectares of new land for the port development; and

(c) Additional 3.2 million cubic meters of suitable soil material will be supplied from local quarries to fill the reclamation area.

(d) Operational quay wall providing two berths for TEU 4500 container ships with a total length of 765m with a height of approx. 24m including fender system, bollards, cable turnover pits, cable slot, water hydrant pits and quay accessories;

(e) Quayside container crane rail including rear beam and foundations;

(f) Block type paving of approximately 44 hectares of terminal storage areas, internal roadways and parking areas together with drainage, curbs, barriers, road markings, signage, and security fencing;

(g) Services and utilities including electrical power supply, substations, potable water distribution network, fire-fighting hydrant system, lighting, telecommunications, IT ducting and CCTV etc.;

(h) In/Out-gate complexes;

(i) Administration and operations building of about 600m2 floor area;

(j) Workshop (about 1,000m2 floor area) and fuelling station;

(k) Equipment operator's administration building of about 600m2 floor area;

(l) Customs inspection area and shed (about 250 m2);

(m) Car parking area (about 500 m2)

(n) Transit shed of about 6,000m2 floor area.

Port Infrastructure:

(o) Approximately 500m of port access road including road lighting, drainage, curbs, barriers, road markings, signage, and security fencing;

(p) Water mains and connection to the existing potable water supply;

(q) 20kV power line and connection to a main substation; and

(r) Miscellaneous equipment including aids to navigation etc.






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